A Status Report


Sitting… in a chair. No, I’m not kidding.

Eating… Just finished a yummy lunch of leftover burritos stuffed with beef, rice, black beans, tomatoes, onions, and sauce.

Drawing a blank…for new dinner ideas

Hoping…the Senate won’t pass the Porkulus Bill.

Amazed… the post office lost a very important package. I won an eBay auction of Sonlight Core 3 materials that we needed for our history studies. The sellers shipped it the first week of January and we still have not received it. Yesterday, the sellers notified us that they want to replace what was lost. They purchased the same Sonlight items from Sonlight and had them shipped to us via FedEx. WOW!!

Refusing…hmmm, I can’t think of anything I’m refusing. One might say that I’ve refused to leave the house because it’s so cold. The temps are supposed to rise today and I’ve planned another field trip. The kids and I are going to learn about Mardi Gras.

Eager…for the next episode of Lost. I love that show. So far, this season is awesome!

Wondering…how Hannah would like to celebrate her 10th birthday. It will be here before I know it and I need to start planning something now-ish.

Loving…home schooling. No kidding. The kids are learning. The big kids and I have had some great discussions this week. Thanks to Sonlight we are reading excellent books.

About to begin readingThe Proverbs-Driven Life

Loving…steaming hot bubble baths late at night.

Pondering…what color to paint our family room. Or should we just paint one wall? Or should we put up a chair rail and only paint the top of the room? It’s not important and I probably won’t even be ready to start another home project until the summer, or possibly spring break.

Procrastinating…scrubbing the shower

Thanks for reading and have a happy weekend!

5 responses to “A Status Report”

  1. Melissa @ Breath of Life Avatar
    Melissa @ Breath of Life

    I’m all out of dinner ideas, too. I’ve got tons of cookbooks. I just need to start trying some things from them.How great that the seller wants to replace the lost item! Praise Jesus!I know my girl’s friends love anything with the mall. 2 of her friends are celebrating their 11th birthday by a combined scavenger hunt to the mall at the end of the month. I think that’s a clever idea.Ditto on the shower.Have a great weekend.


  2. Lisa writes... Avatar
    Lisa writes…

    I’m out of supper ideas too. What is this, an epidemic?We’re loving Lost too! And 24–do you watch it?And, for the record, I always procrastinate anything regarding scrubbing and/or the shower!


  3. I love that you love SOnlight as much as I do. šŸ™‚


  4. Wow, nice e-bay seller – you’ll probably get the package in March. My mom’s had lots of issues with lost/extremely late Post Office packages. We try not to use them and just mail everything by UPS. Besides UPS delivers faster than priority mail – at least here on the east coast.


  5. I’m so hooked on LOST. This season is really good, too. And bubble baths – I love those, too.


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Iā€™m Leslie, the creator and author behind this blog. Iā€™m an outdoor enthusiast who writes about what she’s reading, seeing, and thinking.

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