In which I share how we started geocaching

Celebrating Laura’s birthday, we sat at Bonnie’s dining table over dinner, cake, and ice cream when I asked, “Do you know anything about geocaching?”

“OH, yes! We try to find one every day,” Terry answered. “Well, I don’t always find one every day, but Richard goes out every day.”

“How do you find them?”

Thus began a long conversation between Terry and myself in which I asked one question after another and she patiently answered.

That’s how I do…when I’m interested in something: I read, question, investigate, find out as much as I can, digest it, and go. For instance, a few months ago, I was obsessed with all things Appalachian Trail. I googled; I borrowed books from the library; I read trail journals; I studied maps; I purchased books; I read books; I searched photographs. I fell head-over-heels for this beautiful trail and its history. I set a goal to hike it (or a portion of it) after my last child flies from my nest (fingers crossed that I don’t actually fall head-over-heels while hiking).

This tendency to obsess over a thing for a few months or a year drives my husband crazy. I say it keeps me young.

So, when I downloaded the geocaching app before the last piece of cake had been claimed at Laura’s party, we all heard his eyes rolling around in his noggin.

“How much is this going to cost me?” he sighed.

“You’re going to love this! It’ll be an adventure,” I chirped.

“We’ll see.”

More than 2,000 finds later, I get to say, “I told you so.”

4 responses to “In which I share how we started geocaching”

  1. I’m glad you’re sharing! I saw the 31 Days of blogging challenge and thought about joining but felt self-conscious….but maybe I should think of a topic and do it. It’s fun! 🙂


    1. Yes, you should!


  2. What an awesome geocaching story. I too got my hubby involved in geocaching. It is our little obsession. We even got his 94 grandfather to help us cache. Geocaching is such a fun past time. Looking forward to your series.


    1. Thanks, Heather!


About Me

I’m Leslie, the creator and author behind this blog. I’m an outdoor enthusiast who writes about what she’s reading, seeing, and thinking.

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