Watch out for the giant hole in my kitchen

The men started working on the plumbing issues in our house today. You know it’s not good when the jackhammer stops and all you hear is, “Oh, no!” and, “Oooh, that’s not good,” and, “I’ll have to call the insurance company again.”

Good times.

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11 responses to “Watch out for the giant hole in my kitchen”

  1. Maybe you can have a good southern fire pit..although I think for fire hazard reasons it should be outside.


  2. The fire pit idea actually crossed my mind, Natalie.


  3. Julie Stiles Mills Avatar
    Julie Stiles Mills

    Okay, I’ve had some serious plumbing issues in the past (our house is nicknamed “Casa Aqua”) but this? No. Not this. I’ve been without a functional kitchen for six weeks, when I was 8 and 9 months pregnant, but NEVER did they bring a jackhammer inside. You’ve got a pretty good perspective so far. The way I see it is this: Your kitchen could look like this and you can be freaking out. Or your kitchen could look like this and you could not freak out. Sometimes the way you see a situation is all you can control. I’m prayin for you.


  4. OH MY!


  5. Hubs has informed me that the men found a blockage OR another break in the line that is probably located under our family room. If it is a break, then I’ll have two pits in my house. JSM, I’m not upset about any of it really. It will be fixed. We just have to work around the mess. This kind of thing doesn’t bother me. In the end, I know our plumbing is going to work so much better than it has for the last nine years.


  6. Writing and Living Avatar
    Writing and Living

    I’m guessing your house is on a slab foundation.I hope it gets fixed quickly. Wishing you happy plumbing and fast drains.


  7. I AM SO SORRY! That looks like SUCH a mess. You must be…ahem…not happy. THAT would put me into an absolute tizzy.


  8. Lisa writes... Avatar
    Lisa writes…

    This too shall pass…


  9. Oh no!!! That looks CRAZY!


  10. Oh dear….


  11. i guess the bright side also is that you may get new carpet and a new kitchen floor, huh?! hope it is fixed soon!


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I’m Leslie, the creator and author behind this blog. I’m an outdoor enthusiast who writes about what she’s reading, seeing, and thinking.

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