Spreading sunshine

8 responses to “Spreading sunshine”

  1. That was my first reaction too! But then I began to wonder…isn’t that what people accuse us of doing with our children?I know the difference is false hope vs. true hope but I have conflicting feelings when it comes to things like those videos.


  2. The thing is, the United States does not sing songs of praise to its leaders. Our hope has never been in one particular president. This is unprecedented in our history. That’s the kind of thing that communists and dictators want citizens to do: “put your hope in me.” America’s hope is not in a man, never has been, but is in our ideals, our Constitution, and in God. Libs don’t like that. They want a savior in government because they don’t know God. So they devise ways to make people believe that government (and their chosen leader) will save them — welfare, nationalized health care, government housing, government education, etc: filling roles that government was never meant to fill. This way, they maintain their power over people.


  3. “They” can accuse me of brainwashing my children all they want to. You and I don’t answer to “them.” God is ultimate reality. Their unbelief doesn’t make the truth less true. It may make them want to kill us, but it doesn’t make truth untrue.


  4. Ugh, I can’t stand it. I’m not an Obama-hater at all and it still creeps me out! Children shouldn’t be singing about political candidates.


  5. I don’t hate Obama, either. I’m not going to vote for him, but I don’t hate him. Like you, this video would turn my stomach regardless of whom they were singing.


  6. Leslie,This type of human worship is ridiculous! I’m speechless. I have nothing intelligent to say…


  7. I totally agree with you Leslie! I hope you didn’t miss read my comment and think I somehow think the song is reasonable. I think a song of that sort is deeply disturbing to hear in any democratic nation and DOES reek of socialist communism. I DO think, though, that Americans idolize people much more than any other nation and this song is indicative of that kind of idolatry. Like you said, people are placing hope in government and given the mortgage crisis and declining economy you are experiencing, people are grasping at anything to put their hope in. Right now it seems that Americans are looking to government to save them. It seems ironic to me that Canada is pegged as socialist because we have free health care and yet the US gov’t is considering bailing out corporate enterprise. That is socialism at work if you ask me.


  8. You’re absolutely right, Melanie. I wish it were different. I’m sick over this bailout mess. Literally. My anger over what I’ve heard a couple of our representative say combined with my anemia almost caused me to pass out the other day. My husband told me that I couldn’t follow the news as closely as I have been. I hate it. I can’t wait for the elections to take place. I’m praying that these crazy socialists lose their seats!


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I’m Leslie, the creator and author behind this blog. I’m an outdoor enthusiast who writes about what she’s reading, seeing, and thinking.

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