Mid-Late April Status Report

Sitting…in the big chair in the family room. I LOVE these quiet hours before the kids are up!

Wanting…a cup of coffee. I think I’d like to have one of those automatic coffee makers that I can schedule to make the coffee for me. I want to walk into the kitchen and pour a cup. I want to wake up one morning just like those people in the old Folger’s commercials. You know the ones…{music starts} sunlight peaks through the window {the day’s lookin’ new and bright}, a yawn and stretch, birds sing, I grab my robe and Bible {and you’re gonna start it right}, slip on my slippers {DD is starting to brew}, walk to the kitchen with my eyes closed {the aroma’s callin’ you}, pour a cup, smile {the best part of waking up is Dunkin’ Donuts in my cup!}. AAAAnd….scene.

Enjoyed…watching the baptisms of more than 40 people last night. The kids and I went to see our cousins’ baptisms — the whole family was baptized together. It was a real blessing to hear and see so many testimonies of God’s salvation and their joy in proclaiming, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come” (2 Cor. 5:17).

Reveling…in the goodness and grace of God on our family.

Thinking…about the promises of God to the thousandth generation. Lord, make my generation a faithful one for the salvation of our children and the generations after them.

Anticipating…another busy Monday. The kids will be up soon. They’ll want pancakes. I know this because they told me so before bed last night. We’ll do chores and school. Eventually, I’ll get around to sorting the laundry and giving the bathrooms a good scrubbing — probably midnight.

Considering…my options. I may end our days as a home schooling family. If I don’t send the children to school, then I have to make some major curriculum changes. What I’ve been using is very time consuming for me. So, I have to use the system or move the older children to satellite and/or video classes. Don’t hate me, but I’m…

Realizing…I can’t teach them everything I want them to know and make our home a happy place. Trying to do it all is making me one exhausted and unhappy woman. Those women who have a dozen kids and home school…I don’t know how they’re doing it well. And I guess that’s my big issue: I want to be doing these things well and I’m not. We’ll have a good week of school while the house becomes a disaster. Then, I get stressed about the messiness and clutter, and we take a school day to clean up. *sigh* I’m reminded of Tolkien’s metaphor: “I feel all thin, sort of stretched, if you know what I mean: like butter that has been scraped over too much bread. That can’t be right. I need a change, or something.”

Thankful…yes. Very thankful for new mercies on Monday mornings.

13 responses to “Mid-Late April Status Report”

  1. Girl…if you decide not to homeschool it is OK! Don’t beat yourself up over it. God will watch over them wherever they are…


  2. I’m afraid you picked my brain for this post without me knowing about it. 🙂 I’m feeling very stretched right now also. I’m anticipating some changes for the next school year yet trying to finish this one. School is not an option right now, but hopefully will be after hubby finishes Ph.D. work. $$ 🙂 Now that I know you’re dealing with the same challenges, I’ll try to remember to pray for you when I’m trying to decide what to do for next year also.


    1. Oh, Carolyn!! I had no idea! I’m gonna email you so we can talk privately. Here I am thinking you’re one of “the ones” who has it all together. 😉


  3. Don’t beat yourself up – none of us can handle it all! My house is a wreck and I’m not even “really” homeschooling yet! BUT also don’t beat yourself up on the other end – if God has a different plan for your family than to homeschool, it’s not because you did anything wrong or couldn’t handle it – it’s because God has a different plan for your family. I’m sure you’re doing an awesome job and deserve a LOT more credit than you’re giving yourself!


    1. What’s crazy is that after that confession this morning we had a really good day of school, I accomplished my house keeping to-do list, AND I babysat for a friend. The Lord was very gracious to me today; that’s all I can figure because I didn’t do anything differently.


  4. Lately I have been saying the same thing to myself. How can I do all this? My struggle is that one child demands so much from me that I feel I can’t homeschool the way I’d like and that the other kids are getting less. Today was on of those days the yellow school bus is so appealing. In my case though the struggling child would never make it in the system. I am praying for wisdom on how to make it work. My house is not like I’d like for sure and on some level I have just stopped caring. the time will come where that will change.
    I think the biggest struggle for me is the mom I can become under the pressure. Not pretty like today…..Oy!
    But I have to believe that He is enough for all of me and my kids today. Homeschooling is where we are staying for now so God has a plan…maybe he will write it in the dust on the mantle for all to see LOL! That dust has to be good for something.


  5. Leslie,

    I think most homeschoolers struggle with this on some level in various seasons of life. I think it is important to remember that God always gives us all that we need to do what He has called us to do (whether that be homeschooling or placing our kids under the care of others’ for instruction) . I will be praying for you as you seek to discern God’s call for your family in this season. I know that one reason that I get overwhelmed at times is because I have unrealistic expectations. I feel like we need to go through “x” book and neglect the real life learning that is taking place as my children ask all of the whys in the kitchen, garden, grocery store, etc. I would encourage you to examine what it is you want them to know and why. From where are you getting your standards? (and I don’t mean that in a critical way, but rather an encouraging one 😉 There is so much we can emphasize but like exercise, much of it is only of some value whereas training in godliness is of eternal value. You are dealing with the hearts of your children each day…don’t underestimate the importance of this. 😉 There is much knowledge to be attained in this world, but your children will never know it all; they’ll constantly be learning. I think our goal as homeschoolers is more to give our children a love for learning and the tools to learn…not necessarily to make them little encyclopedias (not that this is your goal…just my temptation at times 😉 but rather to teach them how to apply knowledge to real life. One example and I’ll close my “essay”…in public school (including college) I was taught well how to write, give speeches, debate, etc. but I was never taught the art of drawing others out in conversation which is the true essence of communication.

    Anyway, may the Lord lead you in the direction He would have you go!! I’m praying for you as you labor over this decision.



    1. Thank you, Elizabeth. You’ve reminded me of some things I’ve forgotten. We’ve had a good school day so far today. We’ve had a family devotion, prayed together, worked on scripture memory together, histories, maths, we’ve eaten and cleaned up two meals together, played a game….when it’s good, it’s really good. Some days I love home schooling and some days I don’t. Thanks for the encouragement; I’ll be thinking about what you’ve written. 🙂


  6. Love the Mid-Late status report. I have a timer on my coffee pot but never use it. If my mornings could be like the commercial, maybe I’ll rethink my evening laziness that keeps me from setting it.

    And, yes, Lord–make my generation a faithful one for my children and the generations to follow! Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

    In regard to schooling, we all must be faithful to the Lord’s conviction. Pray, listen, obey. He is faithful to homeschooling and public school moms both. 😉


    1. He is faithful!


  7. I forgot to say, I DO have a timer on my coffee pot and I love it! There’s no way I’d be able to crawl out of bed when it’s still dark outside if I didn’t have that wonderful aroma calling me, and get the caffeine boost I needed right away. (I recently tried decaf coffee, but couldn’t do it)


  8. Funny, I said “I forgot”, because I really thought I’d commented on this post already 🙂 Maybe I need some afternoon coffee 😉

    Love your status report.


  9. Wow! That’s so neat about your cousin’s baptism. As for the homeschooling, I hear you. I started off full of ideas (my ideas) and God is slowly and graciously showing me His ideas through circumstances and my husband. It’s hard. This has been the hardest year for me as well. Evan has had some success with various subjects done on the computer if you’re ever interested. I will pray for you, and I’m so glad to hear that you had such a fulfilling day after you wrote this post.


About Me

I’m Leslie, the creator and author behind this blog. I’m an outdoor enthusiast who writes about what she’s reading, seeing, and thinking.

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