
We’ve studied Vikings this week. Here are two items we made as we learned about Viking voyages and farmland this week, a ship and a longhouse. We used the patterns for both as they are found in The Story of the World, Vol 2.

Since we have a yard full of sticks and pine straw, I sent the kids out to gather supplies for trimming the longhouses–perhaps like those real Viking moms sent their kids out gather supplies. We used the pine straw on the roof as “thatch.” I had some pebbles I bought for another craft project I never started, which we used as a base for the houses. Then, I spent forty-forevers cutting twigs into 2 inch pieces to glue to the sides of the houses. And I only burned my fingers with the hot-glue gun 17 times.

Multiply times 4.

12 responses to “Vikings”

  1. Sounds like so much fun. We are doing SOTW Vol. 2 this year too. We are finishing chapter 3 today. We actually skipped the projects for Chapter 2 because I lacked energy….makes me wish was hadn’t!I am also a little focused on science too.


  2. I am impressed!


  3. What a great mom you are! We are doing vol.1 this year.


  4. We just finished doing Vikings! So interesting, but not really the nicest of guys….:-)


  5. I am impressed too! And only 17 times?? 🙂


  6. I love the dragon breathing fire and please forgive me if that’s not what it’s suppose to be…:)


  7. You’re right, ellen b. It’s a fire-breathing dragon. They all did their ships a little differently. Noah wanted a black sail. Abbey’s ship is pink and purple–very cute and not very vikingly.


  8. Ah, but the viking mothers did not burn themselves with the hot glue gun when their children returned!! :)Such dedication!


  9. These are great Leslie. I’m sure the kids learned a lot and had a lot of fun. Abbey sounds a bit like Rebecca – she would do the sail pink and purple too!


  10. Hilarious, Leslie – hope your fingers are recovering.


  11. Great job Leslie! I was on bedrest when we went through book two. Makes me want to go back and do it again!


  12. The book, not the bed rest!


About Me

I’m Leslie, the creator and author behind this blog. I’m an outdoor enthusiast who writes about what she’s reading, seeing, and thinking.

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