And we finally have some snow!

I went into my children’s bedrooms to wake them.

I whispered, “Hey, kids.”


“It’s time to get up.”


“There’s snow outside.”

Heads pop up immediately.

My children haven’t seen any snow in two years. They are ecstatic over this light dusting!

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8 responses to “And we finally have some snow!”

  1. Kim from Hiraeth Avatar
    Kim from Hiraeth

    I thought of you when I watched the Weather Channel. Figured you might get some! : Dhope there is enough to scoop up and make a few snowballs!K


  2. We never get snow where we are (my kids have never seen it). I can see why you would be so excited!


  3. Tee hee. You can have some of mine, honey. ANY time you want it! (Just don’t take the yellow stuff. It’s used.)


  4. We had a light dusting, too! SO fun! But, it was gone by lunchtime. :::sigh::: We hardly knew ye…


  5. Julie Stiles Mills Avatar
    Julie Stiles Mills

    We’re going to Utah to see/play in snow in a few weeks! The kids have never seen it. (They also have absolutely no idea what “cold” really means.) We’re water park people. (Finding outerwear in Florida hasn’t been easy, but we hit the JACKPOT yesterday at Goodwill! Woo Hoo!)


  6. How fun for all of you!I had to laugh a little because the reaction of my kids would be “again!”


  7. We don’t get a lot either, but had several inches. We went crazy!


  8. Lisa writes... Avatar
    Lisa writes…

    Us too! It just didn’t last long enough (for my kids)…


About Me

I’m Leslie, the creator and author behind this blog. I’m an outdoor enthusiast who writes about what she’s reading, seeing, and thinking.

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