Quote of the Week

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This week I received a copy of the GirlTalk girls’ latest book, Shopping for Time. This little book is the most unique look at time management I’ve ever read. I’ve never met these four women, but I feel like I know them. Know what I mean? Their blog and books have pointed me in the right direction and encouraged me many times. I read this little nugget of wisdom just a minute ago and I HAD to share it for my “quote of the week.”

In the section I am reading now, the girls are sharing how to manage life during those times when big things (like having babies) are beginning to crowd out everything else. Their third tip is what I want to share. They write,

As Dad likes to remind us, “Only God gets his to-do list done each day. We are not God. We are finite creatures with serious limitations.” Only God accomplishes everything he needs to do, in exactly the way he intends, in precisely the right amount of time. Only God! This truth helps us see the arrogant absurdity of expecting to complete our own to-do list. It frees us to humble ourselves and draw upon God’s strength to simply do what we can in busy seasons.

Isn’t that a wonderful truth?! What are some things you do to manage your time wisely during a busy season of life?

14 responses to “Quote of the Week”

  1. For me, it’s all about keeping organized.


  2. Needed that quote. I don’t have any tips today … 🙂


  3. Daughter of the King Avatar
    Daughter of the King

    As a newer blogger these tips are great…thanks


  4. Great quote! During a busy season of young children – the best way I have found to manage my time is to stay home! Running to and fro steals so much from my most productive hours at home.Another lesson, was to turn the TV off – and now I’m learning to stay away from the computer!


  5. Ditto what Melanie said. Plus doing a little bit each day helps. I’m jealous that you got the Girltalkers book early! (It’s not out yet is it?) I’m looking forward to reading it too.


  6. I go to bed early rather than stay up late to finish the whatever. If I’m too tired, the effort won’t be worth it anyway. That, drink plenty of water, and laugh, laugh, laugh. Humor keeps me going.


  7. Wow! So far, each one of you have mentioned one thing or another that the girltalkers mention in their new book.


  8. This book sounds wonderful!!! I will have to get it soon!I tend to have a to do list and am a pretty structured person…but I have been learning to relax more, enjoy each day, and rely on God to give me His grace to do what I need to.I think an important thing for me is to prioritize what is REALLY important and should get done. When mine were little babies…that meant nursing the baby, cooking meals, and schooling my children. I have learned not to put too much pressure on myself…this comes from listening to my husband. I ask him what are the main things he wants me to get done(what is the most important to him) and he always has the wisest advice of what to do and what to let go of. When the main priorities are established…everything else is just bonus! Okay—I think I need to post on this.Any stress I have is usually caused by myself and the expectations I put on myself to be *perfect* or at least as good as I can be. I fall short in so many ways, so I focus on what really needs to be done and I try to do those things well.This means letting go of a lot of things that are just not as important!Kim


  9. Great post Leslie. I didn’t realize this book was out already, I have been waiting for it! Sounds like it will be a good read.


  10. Great post. Thanks also for all your posts on blogging etiquette. Wonderful stuff!God Bless. I really enjoy reading your blog!


  11. I’m looking forward to reading this book!I had to learn to say ‘no’ sometimes. Since I stay at home, people are often asking me to watch their kids or help with this and that, which I love to do, but I know I can’t always say ‘yes’ to this.


  12. Joy, of course! Avatar
    Joy, of course!

    I love this quote, it’s very freeing!


  13. Great quote. When it gets busy….I don’t blog :o) I like our house to be a calm safe place….so when it gets crazy all outside stuff goes. I am a list maker and need to put this quote in my family planner.


  14. Lisa writes... Avatar
    Lisa writes…

    LOVE post-its! Definitely my favorite organizational tool!Great tips!


About Me

I’m Leslie, the creator and author behind this blog. I’m an outdoor enthusiast who writes about what she’s reading, seeing, and thinking.

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