Would you rather…



be guilty of sacrificing truth on the altar of love or of sacrificing love on the altar of truth? How about neither?

Why is it so often assumed that one is being murdered for the sake of the other when Christians disagree?

I say, let both live.

While camping this past weekend, I read several chapters of Sam Storms’, To the One Who Conquers: 50 Daily Meditations on the Seven Letters of Revelation 2-3. I found this meditation on the letter to the Ephesians helpful:

What we see in the church at Ephesus, therefore, was how their desire for orthodoxy and the exclusion of error had created a climate of suspicion and mistrust in which brotherly love could no longer flourish. Their eager pursuit of truth had to some degree soured their affections one for another. It’s one thing not to ‘bear with those who are evil’ (Rev. 2:2), but it’s another thing altogether when that intolerance carries over to your relationship with other Christ-loving Christians!

Our Lord does not leave the Ephesians and their problem without a solution. Note the three terse commands of verse 5. Before doing so, however, observe what he does not recommend: he does not suggest that they become theologically lax, tolerant of error, or indifferent toward truth! In other words, don’t try to cure one problem in a way that will create another.

…How important is it that the Ephesians strive by God’s grace to cultivate and sustain a passionate affection for both Christ and Christian? I’ll let Jesus answer that question. If you don’t repent, he solemnly warns, ‘I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place’ (Rev. 2:5).

Doctrinal precision is absolutely necessary. But it isn’t enough. May God grant us grace to love others with no less fervor than we love the truth.

Some things are not black and white. May our hearts burn with love for our brothers and sisters and for the truth.

6 responses to “Would you rather…”

  1. Beautifully said, Leslie.


  2. Thanks for sharing this, Leslie.


    1. Thanks, y’all. And you’re welcome.


  3. stumbled upon your blog…good words here….keep ’em coming..and I’ll keep chewing on ’em ๐Ÿ˜‰


  4. Excellent, dear!!! One of my struggles has always been speaking the truth *in love*. God gave me this sort of wake-up call a couple of years ago, & while I sometimes still struggle with it, I have gotten better by His grace. Thanks for the reminder!


  5. Oops! This is Chrissy, not Michael. Otherwise, the “dear” part sounds a little off! ๐Ÿ˜‰


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Iโ€™m Leslie, the creator and author behind this blog. Iโ€™m an outdoor enthusiast who writes about what she’s reading, seeing, and thinking.

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